Thursday 14 January 2010

by Kieron McFadden

Governments are interesting things. When they go astray we get...well, modern civilisation for one.

A little while ago I got interested in health and nutrition. Having had personal success with it, I wanted to do something to promote the health and nutrition paradigm, in the hope that I could help move our society away from the failed drug-based system.

When one sets out to do this and gets interested in the whole thing, a huge problem immediately comes into view: one is confronted by what I refer to as the psycho-pharmacy. This alliance of pharmaceutical corporations and psychiatry sits astride our culture like a vast and parasitic Moloch utterly immoral and uncaring of whom it harms in its unquenchable thirst for profits.

In short, the quest for a more workable, prevention-based health system with human wellness as its goal and product is actively opposed, defamed and resisted by criminal vested interests that will stop at nothing to preserve their cherished status quo - a system that requires people to be ill in order for them to be make money.

If this were not the case, we would by now be the proud owners of a much healthier and largely drug-free civilization, so extensive has our accumulated wisdom become on the matter of diet and nutrition, disease prevention and non-drug solutions to physical and emotional problems.

There resides now in our culture a vast and as yet only partially tapped repository of accumulated knowledge and know-how that, though still evolving and as yet far from complete, nevertheless has the capability to raise us to a new high level of human health and well-being.

We stand, believe it or not, on the threshold of a Golden Age for Man and all we need to do is avail ourselves of the opportunities that are there for the taking, to walk through the wide open door that those who will lose money should man become well labor hard to convince us does not exist.

All this new paradigm requires is a level commercial playing field and the elbow room in which to get to work and do its job unhindered and communication lines to and with the citizenry upon which truthful information can flow. Sadly, at this time that kinder environment is not yet forthcoming and the communication channels are clogged with half truths and disinformation as the psycho-pharmacy routinely seeks via advertising and its proxies in the media and government to misrepresent itself and its multifarious drugs.

Perhaps one cannot blame the beneficiaries of the out-going psycho-pharmaceutical paradigm for wishing to stave off their own obsolescence for that is what the pharmaceutical giants and psychiatry are now facing.

Quite simply there is new knowledge loose in the land that they must at all costs keep out of the light, lest the public really get a clear view of it. For the citizenry will come to realize, should the psycho-pharmacy for one second relax its dis-informational onslaught, that it does not need to be drugged for every twinge or nuance of mood, that it can take control of its own health and can prevent relatively easily and cheaply much of the ill health from which it currently suffers.

As these realizations dawn, drug sales will falter and then begin an accelerating decline as people turn away from the psycho-pharmacy to safer, healthier and more honest solutions for what ails them. Not only that, more and more people will come to see that real crimes on a vast scale have been committed by an industry of sickness and death over many decades in the name of profit.

The actions of the psycho-pharmacy are understandable: one can comprehend the motivation of the criminal without condoning it. It is the nature and definition of criminality to engineer and protect personal gain or advantage no matter the pain or cost inflicted on others.

Now all this sounds very scathing of the psychiatric profession and its ally the pharmaceutical corporations but I invite you to go verify all this for yourself. Go and look. Go study the scientific claims and PR boasts and compare them to true science and the physical reality of the RESULTS manifest by real people in the real world and you will see an essentially criminal operation as smooth and silver-tongued as Lucifer himself and equally perfidious and uncaring of whom it hurts or even kills in the name of avarice.

One does not start out with the assumption that the psycho-pharmacy is a criminal operation. It is in the nature of men of good will to assume that all others are well intentioned even while sometimes they make honest errors. We assume that surely no government would tolerate crime on such a scale, that corporations like any other business make money by selling an honest product to a public that needs it, that claims are largely truthful and products are safe, that people who claim to be experts on the mind truly are experts on the mind and not mere charlatans - and so on.

One assumes these things, for that is how we would like the world to be, how we have a right to expect it to be, and these are merely common sense decencies that our governments are supposed to promote and protect.

But then one come up against reality and the more one looks, the more one sees and the more one realizes that, quite simply, one is looking at a criminal operation on a massive scale, operating virtually uninhibited by any efforts of government to protect the citizenry from it.

And this is what is so intriguing about the current plight of our culture. It is not really any great surprise that some group goes criminal. It happens. I mention the psycho-pharmacy (frequently) because it lies across one of my own areas of interest and it happens to be a particularly destructive operation that by itself will bring down our civilization if not checked. However, there are plenty of other groups and organizations that have also sunk into criminality.

That is why we have law and order and a government that we hope will be diligent and work in the interests of ALL the people and promote the greater good of all honest and productive citizens: to hold firm the line on good conduct and honesty and correct or eradicate destructive policies and actions as and when they occur and without fear or favor. It is government’s role and sacred trust to render the environment safe for men of good will and honest intent so that they can go about their business without being ripped off, lied to, poisoned, abused, defamed or harmed.

A government must in other words be a group whose own policies and actions are in the hands of honest, diligent men of good will.

Given such a government (and it is not too much for expect, considering that men of good will are in such preponderance in our society) then the liars and charlatans who seek to profit by ripping off their fellows would receive very short shrift; those who harm in the name of medicine would be brought to justice; those who make false claims would not be indulged or "overlooked" and wholesale drugging of the population, especially when accompanied by soaring crime, suicide, violence and ill health would not be tolerated for a minute.

But if we had a government that had not itself been infiltrated and eventually suborned by less than honest and well-intentioned men, a lot of the things we see around us would not be happening.

In a system in which with men of good will guided the helm and called the shots, justice would be equally available to all, for example, not just those with a few hundred thousand dollars in the bank. If good men ran the show and set the tone our soldiers and our kids would not be drugged; our media and government would tell us the truth and not be permitted to bombard us with false reports and half truths; our food would not be riddled with toxins; all advertising would be scrupulously honest; no-one would be incarcerated without trial on the say-so of a psychiatrist; we would no longer be inordinately dependent on oil and would not be bombing the bejeezus out of people we have never met so that we can take theirs; we would not be walking around in clothes made by virtual slave labor in the third world; we would not be weighed down by excessive taxation and our economy would run on proper money, not debt.

And so on. Almost every non-optimum circumstance that besets our world - of which the ravenous Moloch of the psycho-pharmacy is just one - exists because government has not done its job. Government does not discharge the duties entrusted to it because it itself has fallen into the hands of men who are less than honest.

This does not mean that everyone in government is dishonest or a criminal. For any group to become criminal in its actions does not require that all or even the majority of its members become criminal.

But men of criminal disposition and inclination move in, like moths to a lamp, upon influential groups for the opportunities they present to make money or oppress their fellows. When they have achieved positions that enable them to devise and dictate, in their own interests, the internal and external policies of that group, then the group begins to act in a criminal manner, just as a car will perform as directed by the man at the wheel, regardless of the wishes or inclinations of whoever else may be in the vehicle.

This of course confuses the hell out of all the honest people in the group who are trying to get an honest job done. When a government itself becomes criminal and quietly shifts its allegiances to other criminal groups, it confuses the hell out of the citizenry who cannot fathom the behavior of an entity they still believe to be a democracy and interested in justice and doing right by them but which yet disappoints and betrays and lies to them at every turn.

This is the confusion we currently face. When you actually take a step back and really LOOK at your government, you see a group that thinks it perfectly all right to lie or utter half truths to its people, to enact measures they did not vote for and without consulting them, to sneak though new laws the people know nothing about, to fiddle the books and break their own laws, to star wars for profit, to remove your rights and freedoms, to aid and abet the promotion of bogus flu epidemics so as to help a corporation sell a vaccine and to let its own citizenry be drugged in the service of corporate profits.

The positive side of all this of course is there is nothing wrong with YOU, dear reader, nor with the vast majority of your fellows and almost all the forms and institutions our culture has evolved. Indeed, there is nothing wrong either with the majority of men and women working within government.

All that is wrong is that government is suborned by a small number of criminals and it is these who now control its policies.

So we do not need a revolution then, nor to elect some idiot dictator nor sink into cynicism or apathy.

We merely need to insist uncompromisingly on one indispensable basic in the absence of which government becomes anarchy and in the presence of which things tend to smooth out: that government’s communication with the people is truthful and honest.

And then MAKE it so.


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